Navigating Doshapaka and Dhatupaka in Health and Disease Across Traditional and Modern Perspectives.


  • Chinmayi Shah ITRA
  • Umang J Pandya



Doshapaka, dhatu paka, Rogapariksha,etc.


 In Ayurvedic classics, Rogapariksha i.e.,Pancha-Nidana which  has  encompasses  five  aspects  of clinical diagnosis viz.,Hetu (etiological considerations), Poorva-rupa (prodromal   symptoms), Rupa (clinical features), Samprapti (patho-physiological  processes), and Upashaya-anupashaya (therapeutic  diagnostics). Review:  Doshapaka is a stage which is favorable for the treatment of diseases. This is because ama is separated from the doshas in this condition. The doshas get digested, the vitiation of doshas get settled down. The doshas which have got dissociated from ama either tend to become normal or start moving towards visceral organs.  Dhatupaka is a pathological and unfavorable condition of body, it is a condition in which tissues are severely destructed in quick time. This leads to manifestation of many diseases and loss of immunity and strength. Conclusion: The knowledge of Doshapaka helps a physician in  preventing  errors  while  treating  the Doshic conditions,  administering     cleansing. Knowledge of tissue destruction and suppuration would help physician to diagnose this condition as early as possible, support tissues with tissue forming and balancing intervetions and also to save life of patient.

Author Biography

Umang J Pandya

Professor and HOD, Dept. of Basic Principles, Dalia Ayurved College, Gujarat

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How to Cite

Shah, C., & Pandya, U. J. (2024). Navigating Doshapaka and Dhatupaka in Health and Disease Across Traditional and Modern Perspectives. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM), 12(6).