Histological comparative study of different samples of Orchidaceae with reference to Munjakata


  • Dr. V.V. Rama Rao
  • Dr. Menakshi Pachori




Macroscopic, Microscopic, Rasa, Samples, Tuber


The histological study has been carried out on three different market samples of Munjataka. The organoleptic character includes the taste, texture, color, and odor, while, the microscopic study consists of macro, microscopic structure, and powder microscopy along with evaluation of rasa. Also, the physical evaluation comprises of determination of foreign matter, moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, alcohol soluble extractive values, pH, and swelling factor tests, etc. The microscopical findings are presented for all the three groups of samples. Thus, it can be interpreted from the result that present situation is the identity of plant/ vegetable drugs through investigation and research study such that it leads to the proper standardization of the drug.

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How to Cite

Rao, D. V. R. ., & Dr. Menakshi Pachori. (2024). Histological comparative study of different samples of Orchidaceae with reference to Munjakata. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM), 12(6). https://doi.org/10.70066/jahm.v12i6.1370



Original Research Article- Experimental Research