De Quervain’s disease - An Ayurvedic perspective


  • Dany V Das Dr
  • M P Sreelekha Sreelekha
  • S Aneesh Aneesh



Keywords : Snayugatha vata, Vata vyadhi, De- Quervain's disease.


De Quervain's disease is the condition of inflammation, thickening, and stenosis of the synovial sheath surrounding tendons of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis. It is commonly affecting women aged 30-50 years. Symptoms  are pain and tenderness at radial styloid process, swelling, difficulty in thumb movements and"stop and go" sensation in the thumb. In ayurveda, the tendons can be co-related with snayu and symptoms in De quervains diseases including pain (shoola), stiffness (stambha), and limited movement (akshepana) in joints can be co related with symptoms of vata vyadhi. Snayugatha vatha is categorized under vata vyadhi. The vitiated  vata dosha affecting the sharira snayu (tendons and ligaments) particularly in the angushta moola of manibandha sandhi (wrist joint) and causes Angusta moola parswa snayugatha vatha vyadhi. The treatment of snayugata vata are snehana (oleation therapy), upanaha (fomentation), and agnikarma (thermal therapy). These ayurvedic treatments offer a cost-effective and simple approach for managing De Quervain's disease.

Keywords : Snayugatha vata, Vata vyadhi, De- Quervain’s disease.

Author Biographies

M P Sreelekha Sreelekha

Associate Professor, Department of Salyatantra, Govt. Ayurveda College, Kannur, INDIA

S Aneesh Aneesh

Associate Professor, Dept. of Salyatantra, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, INDIA

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How to Cite

Das, D. V., Sreelekha , M. P. S. ., & Aneesh , S. A. (2025). De Quervain’s disease - An Ayurvedic perspective. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM), 12(12).