Kshoudra as Dahanopakarana in Snayugata Vata Roga


  • Aaryalekshmi Prasad
  • C S Sivakumar Sivakumar
  • M P Sreelekha Sreelekha




kshoudra, dahanopakarana, agnikarma, snayu, parasurgical measures


The father of surgery, Acharya Susrutha has mentioned different Parasurgical methods and agnikarma is one among them. Agnikarma is an asset of ayurveda which has been used widely in the clinical practise since ancient times. Agnikarma has been considered as superior than other parasurgical procedures since diseases treated with agnikarma never reoccurs, as well as it gives instant pain relief.  Acharya susruta has indicated agnikarma as a chief parasurgical procedure which is an effective treatment in conditions of severe pain in twak, mamsa, sira, snayu, sandhi, asthi.[1] Acharya has mentioned different materials for agnikarma like pippali, ajasakruth, godanta, sara, salaka, jambavaushta, madhu, guda, sneha etc based on its specific heat retension and transmission capacity on specific tissues.[2] In sira, snayu, asthigata vikaras acharya susruta has mentioned snigdha dravyas like kshoudra, guda, sneha.[2] Snayugata Vata is described within the context of Vatavyadhi. As agni has ushna, Sukshma, theekshna, aashukari guna which are the opposites of vata and kapha doshas, agnikarma is thought to be the best therapy for vata and kapha doshas by eliminating the srotorodha(obstruction) and rectifying the amavastha. Eventhough kshoudra has mentioned for agnikarma it was not used widely, so this article explains the action of kshoudra as dahanopakarana in snayugata roga.



Author Biographies

Aaryalekshmi Prasad

3rd year PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

C S Sivakumar Sivakumar

Rtd. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

M P Sreelekha Sreelekha

Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurveda College, Kannur, Kerala

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How to Cite

Prasad, A. ., Sivakumar, C. S. S., & Sreelekha, M. P. S. (2025). Kshoudra as Dahanopakarana in Snayugata Vata Roga. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM), 12(12). https://doi.org/10.70066/jahm.v12i12.1541